What’s Your Resolution?

Why 31st?  Why is it that we celebrate 31st of December every year? Obviously we’re welcoming the New Year, marking an end of a year, but what is it exactly that makes us go gaga and crazy about the 31st December? Why do we end up making the craziest Resolutions? Celebrating 31st is actually celebrating … More What’s Your Resolution?

The Evolution of www.ArcJewels.com

The Evolution of http://www.ArcJewels.com With what started as a Spark in 2012 as a Recruitment Service has evolved and turned into a Blaze. With business Verticals spread from Recruitment to Overseas Education to an Online Jewellery Store! Arcanines Group of Company started with Arcanines Recruitment Services LLP in 2012 by        Mr. Dhiraj Senapati. Sharing the … More The Evolution of www.ArcJewels.com

Why Jewellery?

Why Jewellery? Why do women prefer Jewellery to Men? This question is a dilemma just like- What came first? The Chicken or the Egg? Well women are “unique” (complicated) creatures! (Ladies I mean no offense, but I feel it is true). I’m not saying that men are perfect, it’s just that we are a little less … More Why Jewellery?

O Womaniya

O Womaniya A woman is a mother, a sister, a girlfriend, a wife. She is a multi-faceted human with a split personality syndrome and it is this syndrome that keeps the world going. She is a complete package who multi-tasks so flawlessly that she makes it look like a piece of cake! Women today face … More O Womaniya

Ag. Og. Low Ji.

Ag. Og. Low Ji. Ramm-Pamm-Pamm-Ramm-Pamm-Pamm We at arcjewels.com believe in the ideology of Ag. Og. Low ji. So what exactly is Ag. Og. Low Ji? It’s simple. It’s as self-explanatory as a Selfie! The idea Ag. Og. Low Ji is sub-divided into three major folds (Duh!); Ag, Og and Low ji. The words revolve around … More Ag. Og. Low Ji.